Director Shiva’s Vedalam will be remade in Kannada with actor Puneeth Rajkumar reprising Ajith’s role. The Kannada remake will be produced by AM Rathnam’s Shri Sai Raam Creations, the original Vedalam‘s producers. The team is currently in talks with with director Nanda Kishore, well-known for directing remakes in Kannada. Shooting of the remake is expected to start by the end of this year. Puneeth Rajkumar is currently working on Chakravyuha, Doddmane Hudga, Rajakumara and James .
Vedalam starred Ajith, Lakshmi Menon, and Shruti Haasan, and released in November 2015. The film received positive reviews from critics, and earned over Rs 100 crore in box-office collections.