Akshara Haasan’s upcoming film Achcham Madam Naanam Payirppu‘s trailer has been unveiled by the makers on occasion of the actor’s birthday. The film is set to be screened at the Caleidoscope Indian Film Festival Boston.
Akshara’s father and veteran actor Kamal Haasan took to Twitter to launch the trailer, which gives us a peek into the world of Pavithra and leaves us in a state of suspense.
Happy to launch the trailer of #AMNP on Akshara’s birthday.
Wishing the best to @Iaksharahaasan @kaiyavecha and the entire team.https://t.co/vprhHs2x5R @amnp_thefilm @Trendloud #AMNPTrailer #TrendLoudOriginalFilm #AksharaHaasan
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) October 12, 2020
Sharing the news on Twitter, Akshara asked people in the US to get ready to watch it soon.
We’ve got some fantastic news! #AMNP has been selected at the Caleidoscope Indian Film Festival Boston. US Folks, get ready for the screening! Very soon!@kaiyavecha @amnp_thefilm @Trendloud @trendmusicsouth @kabilanchelliah @DoneChannel1
#TrendLoudOriginalFilm #AMNPTrailer pic.twitter.com/9N551LmPRJ— Akshara Haasan (@Iaksharahaasan) October 11, 2020
Written and directed by Raja Ramamurthy, the film is produced by Trendloud. Along with Akshara, the film co-stars Usha Uthup, Malgudi Subha, Anjana Jayaprakash, Shalini Vijayakumar, Janaki Sabesh, Kalairani, Siddhartha Shankar, Suresh Menon, George Maryan, and Kiran Keshav. While cinematography has been handled by Shreya Dev Dube, music is being composer by Susha.
“This will be a coming-of-age-film, probably one of the first ones to explore the female gaze. It was a conscious decision to have a cast and crew with predominantly women, to ensure authenticity,” Raja Ramamurthy said in a statement.
There has been no official confirmation regarding the release date of the film. According to a statement from the makers, the Vivegam star plays a young woman from a conservative family who is stuck between her desires and societal restrictions.
Akshara was last seen in the cyber-thriller series titled Fingertip, which premiered on Zee5 starring Ashwin Kakumanu, Sunaina, and Gayathri.
She has Agni Siragugal, directed by Naveen, in the pipeline. It will feature Arun Vijay, Vijay Anthony playing the lead roles alongside Akshara and Shalini Pandey. The shooting for Agni Siragugal reportedly began last year and is in the last stages of production. It also stars Jagapathi Babu, Nasser, and Prakash Raj in important roles.