Actor Akshay Kumar will soon leave for a month-long shoot in Romania and South Africa for his film Singh is Bling, directed by director-dancer-actor Prabhudeva, said a Deccan Chronicle report. The actor, who is basking in the success of his last venture Gabbar Is Back, was on a month-long holiday in France with his wife and children.
Akshay Kumar is playing a sardar in the Prabhudeva film and is scheduled to shoot high-octane action-packed sequences. Reportedly, Alshay wanted to relax as much as possible before plunging into the gruelling schedule. The report added that Akshay and Prabhudeva were spending time with their respective families before the film shoot began.
Akshay Kumar and Prabhudeva have joined hands once before, for Rowdy Rathore, which was a box-office hit.