Akshay Kumar will play Arunachalam Muruganantham in the biopic on his life, titled Padman. Reports that filmmaker R Balki has roped in a Tamil actor to play the role were all over social media recently. Balki has dismissed the rumours. He said, “Only Akki will be essaying the protagonist. Even Akshay has tweeted about it.”
Actors Sonam Kapoor and Radhika Apte have been roped in for major roles in the film. PC Sreeram has signed on as the cinematographer.
The project is Twinkle Khanna’s first production through her newly-floated home banner, Mrs Funnybones Movies. The actress-turned-social commentator had traced the journey of Arunachalam Muruganandam in her recently released book – The Legend Of Lakshmi Prasad.