Telugu actor Allari Naresh, known for starring in slapstick comedies, has decided that he’s done with comedy for a while. Having made the switch to more serious roles, Naresh opined that the audience isn’t too interested in loud comedy films anymore.
“When I look back on my career, films like Sambo Siva Sambho, Nenu and Gamyam gave me a good name as an actor. Those were serious roles, so now I have become more selective about scripts. Also, earlier, people watched loud and animated comedy, now we have to do it subtly. My upcoming film, Meda Meeda Abbay is on those lines,” he told Deccan Chronicle.
Naresh also wants to start spending quality time with his nine-month-old daughter, Ayana Evika. “After shoot, I head straight home to spend time with her. This is a big change after my daughter was born,” he added.
Apart from his upcoming film, the actor may also be seen in Mahesh Babu’s 25th film, but said it’s too early to comment on it now. “We discussed it and there has been no development. I will make an announcement if it is final.”
If on board, he would have a crucial role in this Vamsi Pydapalli directorial.