Actor Amitabh Bachchan will reportedly star in the Hindi remake of Manjapai. The remake rights to the Tamil hit were purchased by Lingaa producer Rockline Venkatesh, who is trying to rope in the Big B for the role of Rajkiran in the Hindi version. Several young actors are in the running to play the role of Actor Vimal. A representative for Amitabh Bachchan declined to comment on the matter.
Directed in Tamil by N Raghavan, the movie is about the relationship between a grandfather and grandson, played by Rajkiran and Vimal respectively. The film did very well at the box office and has been praised for its content and dialogues. The Telugu version will have Dasari Narayana Rao in the lead while Actors Vishnu Manchu and Nani are the frontrunners for the role of the grandson.