Actor Amol Palekar has been appointed as the head of India’s 16-member Oscar selection committee that chooses the country’s official entry in the Best Foreign Film category of the 88th Academy Awards. The veteran actor, in an interview with TOI, said that it was hard selecting the right film to represent the country at the Awards as India produces more number of films in a year than any other country.
“There are mainstream films, regional films and non-mainstream films, and many of them are brilliant. So, it is difficult to select that one film that will not only appeal to everyone but will also represent Indian cinema in its true sense. That is why each year the panel that selects these films is criticised”, Palekar was quoted as saying. The actor added that Indian film makers should learn the ‘act of lobbying’. “As filmmakers, we go wrong in lobbying at the Oscars. We have to update our knowledge and learn the rules of the process to know how to approach the jurors, how to organise a screening etc”, TOI quoted the actor as saying.
Other members of the panel are K Madhu, Malayalam film director, Ravi Jadhav, Marathi filmmaker, and Abbas Tyrewala.
Picture Credit: The Hindu