Bollywood actress Amyra Dastur makes her debut in Tamil cinema with Dhanush’s Anegan. In an interview to The Times of India, Amyra revealed that the movie can’t be categorised under one genre, as it is a potpourri of action, adventure and romance. “Dhanush and I play more than one role in Anegan,” she said.
The flick also demanded that Amyra learn swimming, and do a lot of stunts. During one of the stunt scenes, Dhanush accidentally punched Amyra in her face, leaving her with a black eye. “Everyone on the set became quiet. And Dhanush profusely apologised,” she said.
Directed by KV Anand, Anegan marks the comeback of actor Karthik Muthuraman. Harris Jayaraj has composed music and the film is bankrolled by AGS Entertainment.