In a video that has now gone viral, Anushka Sharma was seen rebuking a man for disposing plastic garbage on the road. The actor’s spouse, Virat Kohli posted a video of Sharma schooling the man.
Saw these people throwing garbage on the road & pulled them up rightfully. Travelling in a luxury car and brains gone for a toss. These people will keep our country clean? Yeah right! If you see something wrong happening like this, do the same & spread awareness. @AnushkaSharma
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) June 16, 2018
Almost immediately, both of them were criticised on social media for trying to generate publicity from the video.
A man claiming to be the one who littered, later explained how the incident transpired on his social media account and the accused the actress of being rude.
Singh’s mother criticised the actress as well. She accused Kohli and Sharma of making her son the target of ‘unwanted hostility’ and ‘public hate’. She also said that she was scared for her son.
The reactions to Sharma’s video were diverse. While many lauded the couple for their actions, a handful of them criticised the duo for making a big deal about nothing. Most claimed that Singh’s actions were wrong, yes, but is definitely not worth the public backlash and negative publicity he has been subjected to.
The trolling aside, Kohli later tweeted that people ‘don’t have the courage to do something like this’ and how everything these days is just ‘meme content’.
Lot of people who don’t have the courage to do something like this find it funny. Everything for people nowadays is meme content. Shame.
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) June 16, 2018
Anushka Sharma, on the other hand, is yet to respond to the growing controversy.