Kangana Ranaut’s dramatic revelations on her alleged affair with Hrithik Roshan has grabbed a lot of eyeballs. Now, writer Apurva Asrani and singer Sona Mohapatra slammed Ranaut for using her love life to promote her upcoming release, Simran.
Earlier this week, Ranaut had appeared on Rajat Kapoor’s Aap Ki Adaalat, and had used the platform to make some startling revelations about her alleged relationship with Roshan.
Mohapatra penned an open letter on Facebook, in which she said that Ranaut’s actions were in bad taste, and that it does a big dis-service to the “cause of feminism and fair play”. The singer insisted that her open letter was not a PR move, and that it was meant as advice from “one working woman to another”.
Mohapatra asked Ranaut to rise above the issues, and celebrate the many victories she’s had in her personal and professional life instead.
On the other hand, Asrani, the writer who accused Ranaut of denying him his due credit for Simran, slammed the actress on Twitter, shortly after her interview with Rajat Kapoor was aired.
All’s fair in love, war & movie promotions. Even crass desperation to regain box office success must be observed & enjoyed as entertainment.
— Apurva Asrani (@Apurvasrani) September 3, 2017
Women who transgress the limits of decency & fair play by saying ‘men did it, so why can’t we?’ only compound the problem. #pseudofeminism
— Apurva Asrani (@Apurvasrani) September 5, 2017
So you suggest an innocent man stands there and accepts unfair accusations and public shaming because of the years women were oppressed?
— Apurva Asrani (@Apurvasrani) September 5, 2017
Meanwhile, Vijaya Rahatkar of the Women’s Commission has accused Ranaut of falsifying information. In her interview, Ranaut had attacked the commission for its refusal to help her, and had said that they’d asked her to go easy on her ex-boyfriend, Hrithik Roshan.
Rahatkar set the record straight on her Twitter account:
Deeply disturbed by Ms.Kangana Ranaut’s irresponsible statement where she has made grave allegations against the Womens Commission. 1/3 https://t.co/LPAoHPbQAv
— Vijaya Rahatkar (@VijayaRahatkar) September 3, 2017
Neither has Ms.Kangana Ranaut ever approached Womens Commission nor is Gurmeet Chadda associated with MSCW in any way. @RajatSharmaLive 2/3
— Vijaya Rahatkar (@VijayaRahatkar) September 3, 2017
MSCW is fully committed to the cause of women in distress. Unfortunate that Ms.Ranaut has chosen to project us wrongly. @RajatSharmaLive 3/3
— Vijaya Rahatkar (@VijayaRahatkar) September 3, 2017