Actor Arun Vijay, last seen in the multilingual film Saaho, reportedly injured himself on the sets of AV30, helmed by GNR Kumaravelan. He plays a police officer in the film, and was shooting for an action sequence, when his forearm was slit by a shard of glass.
“Yes, it was something unexpected. Of course, injuries are part and parcel of my career as an actor. We were shooting an action block choreographed by Stunt Silva master that involved a bottle breaking act. Usually, it’s done with sugar glass as it’s hard and doesn’t hurt. It is stored in refrigerators, and is supposed to be taken out at least 30 minutes before usage. But, it was taken out only a few minutes before the shoot, and it cut my forearm. I remained completely unaware till it started bleeding. Stunt Silva rushed immediately and gave me first aid,” Arun said in a press statement, adding: “I never feel pain when I am at work. I chose this journey and love each and every moment of it.”
Produced by Movie Slides Pvt. Ltd, the film reportedly deals with a ‘current crisis in society’ and has its share of fictional elements.
Palak Lalwani, who was last seen in Sixer, plays the female lead. Shabir of Nenjamundu Nermaiyundu Odu Raja fame is composing music while cinematography is by Gopi, who earlier worked with Arun Vijay in Thadam. Stunt Silva has been roped in for the action sequences.
Meanwhile, the teaser of Karthick Naren’s Mafia, starring Arun and Prasanna, recently dropped and has garnered more than three million views. Arun’s other film Boxer is in the post-production stage. Both films are to hit screens soon.
AV30 is Kumaravelan’s third film after the critically-acclaimed Haridas (2013), and the much-criticised Wagah (2016). Haridas dealt with the relationship between a father and his autistic child, and how they eventually forge a bond.
Watch the teaser of Mafia here: