The Agni Siragugal team starring actors Arun Vijay, Vijay Antony and Shalini Pandey has traveled abroad for its next schedule. Akshara Haasan has also gone along with the crew to Moscow and Saint Petersburg for shoot. Helmed by director Naveen, Agni Siragugal is bankrolled by T Siva’s Amma Creations Banner.
Welcoming @aksharahaasan1 onboard! #AgniSiragugal #Jwala
Off to the final leg of shoot to #Russia!! ? THE ACTION BEGINS!!!? @NaveenFilmmaker @vijayantony @JSKfilmcorp @TSivaAmma @pjaijo @DoneChannel1— ArunVijay (@arunvijayno1) October 3, 2019
“We will be shooting major sequences in this schedule, which involves some breath-taking action blocks as well. We were supposed to kick-start this second schedule last month itself. However, we had to wait for the dates of all the artistes, who are busy with other projects. In addition, we needed a lot of time to scout the locations. We found the locales of Moscow and Saint Petersburg appropriate for the backdrop we had visualised. I thank producer T Siva sir for helping us carry this project forward to bring top-notch quality as planned. We will be completing this schedule in a single stretch,” said director Naveen.
Touted to be a commercial action thriller with a mix of emotions, the film completed its first schedule in Kolkata.
Here is the poster of Agni Siragugal.
Meanwhile, Arun Vijay will be seen Karthick Naren’s Mafia, co-starring Prasanna, Vivek’s Boxer co-starring Ritika Singh and GNR Kumaravelan’s untitled AV 30 co-starring Palak Lalwani. The teaser of Mafia dropped recently and has garnered over three million views. Vijay Antony will be seen in Babu Yogeswaran’s Thamilarasan co-starring Suresh Gopi and A Senthilkumar’s Khaki co-starring Indhuja Ravichandran.
Watch the teaser of Mafia here.