Actor Arun Vijay‘s next film which was referred to as AV30, has now been titled Sinam. Helmed by GNR Kumaravelan who shot to fame with his critically acclaimed Haridas, the film is bankrolled by Movie Slides Pvt Ltd. Sinam, which began shooting in September will see Arun Vijay donning the police attire once again after his successful crime-thriller Kuttram 23.
Actor Karthi Sivakumar took to Twitter to release the title poster.
Pleased to present the ‘Title look’ of @arunvijayno1 starrer #SINAM produced by Movie Slides Pvt Ltd. Good luck brother!@gnr_kumaravelan #AV30Title @gopinath_dop @shabirmusic @silvastunt @madhankarky @SureshChandraa @DoneChannel1
— Actor Karthi (@Karthi_Offl) November 3, 2019
Speaking about the significance of the title Sinam, Arun Vijay says, “Be it in our holy scriptures or any management lessons, anger is always labeled negative. But what Sinam conveys is that sometimes, ‘anger’ is good and it can even bring justice for the needy, which happens to be the motive of the protagonist in this film,” and adds, “Kumaravelan has expertise in planning and executing things perfectly. We are going smoothly from day one and will be kick-starting the second schedule from November 8.”
The film reportedly deals with a ‘current crisis in the society’ and has its share of fictional elements. Palak Lalwani who was last seen in Sixer plays the female lead with Kaali Venkat in a significant role. Shabir of Nenjamundu Nermaiyundu Odu Raja fame is composing music while cinematography is by S Gopinath, who earlier worked with Arun Vijay in Thadam. Michael helms art with Raja Mohammed on edit and Stunt Silva choreographing action sequences.
Here are the title posters of the Sinam.
Meanwhile, Arun Vijay will next be seen in Naveen M’s Agni Siragugal alongside Vijay Antony and Akshara Haasan, Karthick Naren‘s Mafia alongside Prasanna and Priya Bhavani Shankar and Vivek’s Boxer alongside Ritika Singh. The actor was recently shooting for Agni Siragugal with the Nomad Stunts team at Kazakhstan, while his other two films are in their post-production stage. Mafia‘s teaser dropped recently, garnering over 3.5 million views.
Watch the teaser of Mafia here.