Arya and Parvathy Omanakuttan will make a special appearance in Nambiar. Actor Srikanth, who plays the lead, confirmed that Arya agreed to star in the movie without giving it a second thought. “We wanted someone to play the role of the protagonist’s close friend, and I thought of Arya immediately. He has been one of my close friends since our school days,” said Srikanth, whose wife Vandana is producing Nambiar. “Despite offering monetary benefits to act in Nambiar, Arya refused to accept it. I am so lucky to have a friend like him. He is really humble,” added Srikanth. The actor also revealed that Parvathy Omanakuttan is a “great friend” as well and that she will be paired opposite Arya in Nambiar.
Actors Sunaina and Santhanam also play the lead while John Vijay, Devadarshini and Jayaprakash will be seen in supporting roles. Vijay Antony composes the music.