Cameo Films India, a production house based in Tamil Nadu, that had previously produced G V Prakash-starrer Trisha Illana Nayanthara, will now produce a film starring Tamil actor Atharvaa, directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu of Demonte Colony (2015) fame.
Set to be a romance-thriller, the untitled film is the third project produced by the production house, spearheaded by C J Jayakumar. On casting Atharvaa as the lead, Jayakumar said that the actor is made of “absolute star material”. “The potentiality of this project will cement his position in the top orbit,” he said.
In a bid to attempt a different genre from the other films produced, Jayakumar said that roping in Ajay Gnanamuthu will make the difference with his filmmaking style, considering his success from the horror flick Demonte Colony.
Currently involved in pre-production work, including roping in other actors and members to the crew, the shooting of the film will start this September.
Cameo Films’ third Project, with @Atharvaamurali & @AjayGnanamuthu kickstarted on a high note with a Pooja today!
— Cameo Films (@CameoFilmsIndia) June 24, 2016