Actress Bindu Madhavi, who is the new addition to the Bigg Boss house, is slowly settling into the house. The housemates are under the assumption that her stint on the show is short, however, it’s more than a guest appearance, Bindu will be staying in the house for the remaining days.
Meanwhile, Raiza refused to forgive Oviya for revealing her personal details to Kamal Haasan during the weekend interaction. She told Bindu, “I trusted her and shared my secrets but she revealed them all and did not even apologise to me for her mindless act. I was very upset and I couldn’t greet you when you entered the house. I have stopped talking to Oviya since then.”
Gayathri told Raiza not to talk about Oviya to Bindu, “Bindu will know Oviya’s true colours soon, let us not tell her anything.”
Oviya was once again nominated for the eviction this week by her teammates. To everyone’s surprise, ‘so-called’ best friends Oviya and Aarav nominated each other.
While nominating Oviya, Sakthi said, “You (audience) have been saving her every time we nominate Oviya for eviction. Never mind! I will keep on nominating her until I leave this house.”