T Raja Singh, the lone member of BJP in Telengana Legislative Assembly has lashed out at director UR Jameel for Maha‘s first look poster. Hansika is seen smoking, dressed in saffron clothes in a place like Rishikesh in the background. Raja Singh asks if director Jameel would feature a woman with a burqua in the same way.
T Raja has been charged previously for his hate speeches. Earlier this year, he faced backlash when he said Bangladeshis settled in Assam should be shot if they did not leave.
“If they don’t leave, there is a need to shoot them and make them leave with bullets. They are living in Assam with an intention to destroy India. The Centre must take steps to send them back as soon as possible,” he had said.
On Maha‘s poster he tweeted to UR Jameel, saying, “Your movie poster shows Hindus in bad light. I dare director Jameel to show your unique side with the religion you practice. Why not a burqua-clad woman with the backdrop of your holy shrine. I dare you to do it.”
Your movie #Maha poster shows Hindu's in bad light. I dare @dir_URJameel to show your unique side with the religion your practice why not a burqua cald women smoking with a backdrop of your holy shrine I dare you to do it.@MathiyalaganV9 @EtceteraEntert1 @ihansika#RT pic.twitter.com/B6DzKK5RoT
— Raja Singh (@TigerRajaSingh) December 17, 2018
Hansika’s first look poster was released by the actor on December 9. Following this, Janakiraman from Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) filed a petition in court saying that the poster hurt the sentiments of religious people. He said action should be taken on Hansika and Jameel.
Three days after this, on December 16, director Jameel reacted to Janakiraman and people’s comments on the poster. He said, “As a director of the film, my intention was to just create something unique, and not to knowingly hurt anyone’s sentiments related to caste or religion. I believe in humanity, not Hindus-Muslims.”
?? guys,Saw all ur coments,as a director of the film my intension was 2 just create sumthing unique n not to knowingly hurt anybody's sentiments related 2 caste or religion,I believe in humanity n not in Hindu-muslim,so pls dont create caste and religion angle ? @ihansika #Maha
— U.R.Jameel (@dir_URJameel) December 16, 2018
Hansika retweeted this. She hasn’t made any other comment yet.
Maha is Hansika’s 50th film, and is said to be a woman-centric crime thriller. Actor Srikanth has an important role. The director said about his role in a TOI report, “His character offers him ample scope to perform. He comes with an element of surprise and also demands a bit of a physical transformation. It will be a new look altogether.”
Actors Karunakaran and Thambi Ramaiah play supporting roles. Music for the film is by Ghibran. Maha marks his 25th project as a composer. Lyrics are by Madhan Karky.