Amazon Prime Video’s Indian original, Breathe, starring R Madhavan and Amit Sadh won the top honours at the 18th Indian Television Academy Awards held in Mumbai on December 11. Breathe won awards for the Best Popular Show (web) and the Best Popular Actor (web) for Madhavan, said a Bollywood Hungama report.
On the shoot at 2am, the Team celebrates the winning announcement of #Breathe for Best Popular Series and Popular Actor @ActorMadhavan ..Not possible without the team’s support..Grateful? and Thank You @TheITA_Official It means a lot @Abundantia_Ent @TheAmitSadh @vikramix
— Mayank Sharma (@mayankvsharma) December 12, 2018
Released on January 26, Breathe, one of the earliest OTT show to come out of India, has been produced by Abundantia Entertainment and directed by Mayank Sharma. In the show, Madhavan essays the role of Danny Mascarenhas, a father trying to save his son’s life while Amit Sadh plays Kabir Sawant, a Mumbai Crime Branch officer who is out to solve a case related to the death of organ donors. Sadh’s investigation leads him to Madhavan as the show progresses.
Receiving the award for the Best Popular Web-series, Abunduntia CEO and executive producer of Breathe, Vikram Malhotra said: “I am exceptionally proud of the entire team led by our writer and director, Mayank Sharma, the writers Vikram Tuli and Abhijeet Deshpande and the entire cast and crew of the team, without whom the show wouldn’t have been possible.”
“It takes a significant effort to put together something as path-breaking as the first show in the premium digital content space. We had to go through a lot of barriers. But we all had belief. Above all, I’d like to thank R Madhavan and Amit Sadh, who brought the characters of Danny Mascarenhas and Kabir Sawant alive for the audience, and the Amazon Prime Video team, who were exceptional partners and without whose support we would not be standing here,” he said.
Madhavan, who won the award for the Best Actor (web-series) said, “I was waiting to say this somewhere and I’m glad I got an opportunity to say it. Vikram Malhotra, who I have done Tanu Weds Manu with, someone who picked it out of the doldrums and made the world see it, I want to thank you for the belief. For that film and for Breathe. It has been a great journey. I’d also like to thank my director, Mayank Sharma and the entire team of Breathe for making me a part of this wonderful show.”
Thank you so much bro ..???you are the BOSS
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) December 13, 2018
Incidentally, Sacred Games, a Netflix original directed by Anurag Kashyap and Vikramaditya Motwane won the Asian Academy Creative Awards in Japan. The show also won Aarti Bajaj the award for the Best Editor.
Watch the trailer of Breathe here:
Image courtesy: Just Watch