A group of agitated media members walked out of Shah Rukh Khan’s press meet in Chennai yesterday when the event did not begin on schedule. The cast of Happy New Year – Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani, Sonu Sood and Vivaan Shah – was in the city to promote the film at Palam Silk’s fashion show event.
While the media was requested to be at the venue at 4.30 pm for the press meet, there was no sign of the actors even at 7.30 pm. A few angry journalists then decided to boycott the event. The situation soon turned chaotic as they began forcing the other reporters to leave as well. When the organisers’ and PR team’s attempt to pacify the journalists proved futile, Shah Rukh Khan took matters into his own hands, apologised to the irate bunch, and promised a one-on-one interview to everyone. However, many of them walked out of the hall.
A few minutes later, the organisers announced that the press meet has been called off.
The confusion was apparently due to some “miscommunication” between the PR teams in Chennai and Mumbai.
Even though the press meet was cancelled, the Happy New Year team participated in the fashion show that was held later.