Cinematographer Ashok Kumar died this morning in Chennai after a long illness. He worked in nearly 125 films and his popular works include Nenjathai Killathe, Ullasa Paravaigal, Johnny, Metti, Nadigan, Suriyan, and Jeans. In 1980, he bagged the national award for Nenjathai Killathe, starring Suhasini, Mohan and Pratap Pothen. He also directed about six films. Director Mahendran teamed up with Ashok Kumar for several of his films.
In a written statement last Friday, the cinematographer’s son Akash said that his father’s health had deteriorated and that his family had decided to bring him home from the hospital so he could spend his last days at home.
PC Sreeram tweeted:
One of India’s finest Dop Ashok Kumar is no more.His work was a great inspiration for me while studying in film institute . Rip
— pcsreeram (@pcsreeram) October 22, 2014