Director Ram Gopal Varma’s sexist and distasteful tweets on International Women’s Day yesterday has landed him in legal trouble. A story in DC quotes ANI, saying activist Vishaka Mhambre from Goa has filed a complaint against him for the tweets.
The Sarkar 3 director began International Women’s Day on March 8 with a rally of unappealing, insensitive tweets on women. Sunny Leone came under special attention too.
Is there no #MensDay because all days in the year belong to only men and the women were given just only one day?
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 8, 2017
Women's day should be called #MensDay because men celebrate women much more than women celebrate women
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 8, 2017
I wish all the women in the world give men as much happiness as Sunny Leone gives
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) March 8, 2017
The blatant sexism in his tweets came under severe backlash from Twitterati.
All the women in the world wish you @RGVzoomin to continue giving attention to virtual reality sparing the real world of your assholery
— IGotThis??? (@jasuja) March 8, 2017
.@RGVzoomin Including your Mom, sisters & daughter? If you are fortunate enough to have! Or is it they are unfortunate enough!!!
— Lakshmy Ramakrishnan (@LakshmyRamki) March 8, 2017
The cherry on the cake award would go to Sunny Leone herself as she replied to his tweets with a bunch of smileys acknowledging the sexist compliment she was awarded with.
@RGVzoomin ???? 😉 ha
— Sunny Leone (@SunnyLeone) March 8, 2017