CV Kumar has announced a sequel to Indru Netru Naalai. The sci-fi comedy, released in 2015, had actors Vishnu Vishal, Miya George and Karunakaran in lead roles, with debutant Ravikumar at the helm.
The sequel will have Vishnu Vishal and Karunakaran in important roles, the production house confirmed. However, the inclusion of actor Miya George and director Ravikumar is yet to be determined.
A spokesperson for the film said: “At this point, not everything has been worked out yet. We wanted to launch the project on an auspicious day and we did so. The cast and crew details will be announced later.”
Even Vishnu Vishal and Karunakaran’s inclusion in the project emerged as a result of a Twitter conversation that Vishnu had with producer CV Kumar.
Ravikumar is currently busy directing Sivakarthikeyan in a new film. Sources say that it is unlikely that he would return to direct the Indru Netru Naalai sequel.
“CV Kumar can get an entirely new director to do the sequel like he did with the Pizza franchise,” a source close to Thirukumaran Entertainment said.
The shooting of the movie is not likely to take off this year. CV Kumar is busy with his second directorial, Gangs Of Madras. It is probable that the Indru Netru Naalai sequel will take off next year.
Indru Netru Naalai featured an aimless male lead (Vishnu Vishal) who stumbles upon a time machine and uses it for his own gain. Ravikumar reportedly developed it based on a short film that he had done before he made his film debut.
The film was moderately successful at the box office, reportedly drawing in Rs 3 Crores in three days.
Lately, sequels to many popular films have been announced. Saamy Square with Vikram and Keerthy Suresh, and Sandakozhi 2 with Vishal and Keerthy Suresh recently hit theatres.