Deepika Padukone says comparisons with her Bollywood colleague Priyanka Chopra are unfair. In a recent interview with USA Today, Paduokne said they had followed different paths and drawing comparisons between them was unnecessary. The actress recently made her Hollywood debut with XxX: The Return of Xander Cage as Serena Unger alongside Vin Diesel,
Padukone said, “It’s not fair to make comparisons. Let me just say everyone has a different path and journey,”
Both actresses are established Bollywood actresses who are now doing well in their respective Hollywood careers. Chopra made her Hollywood debut as the lead in the drama thriller Quantico, which began airing in 2015. She has since been invited to a number of international award shows including the Golden Globes. She will next be seen in the new installment of The Baywatch, which stars Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron.
Chopra, too, was all praise for her co-stars, and wished Padukone and Sonam Kapoor luck with their international projects in the future. Appearing in a recent episode of the chat show Koffee With Karan, Chopra said, “It’s so nice for me to see that Deepika is doing xXx…and whatever else she does in the future or Sonam or so many other actors who want to come to America, I hope they are starting out.”
Deepika Padukone is currently filming for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s period film Padmavati alongside Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. The 31-year-old actress will be playing the role of Rani Padmini of Chittor, who was made famous in the epic Padmavat by the Sufi poet Mallik Muhammad Jayasi in 1540.