Actor Dhanush has donated Rs.5 lakh to help singer and actress Paravai Muniyamma, who has been hospitalised because of age-related ailments, and is in financial need. She has a son who suffers from an intellectual disability, as well as grandchildren. Actor Sivakarthikeyan, who had worked with her on Maan Karate, is also planning to visit her in Madurai and offer his assistance.
Earlier, actor Vishal had donated Rs.5000, and had made a commitment to send the same amount every month hereafter. Actor turned politician Sarathkumar contributed Rs.25000. Fans across the country have been donating money to her through an initiative started by senior journalists Lata Srinivasan and Ramesh. By the latest count, the funds collected will soon cross Rs.1 lakh.
— kattradhu Thirai (@kattradhuthirai) July 29, 2015