Actor Dhanush started shooting his film with Prabhu Solomon earlier this month at a train-set erected at the Binny Mills in Chennai. The set has been used extensively in the film, which revolves around a train journey. Dhanush plays the role of a Railways pantry worker, while Keerthi Suresh plays a passenger.
Harish Uthaman has joined the cast recently and will reportedly play an Army officer with some negative shades to his character. The actor impressed audiences with his performance as the antagonist in Paandiyanaadu and the recent Yagavarayinum Naa Kaakka. Actress Anandhi will also play an important role. Thambi Ramaiah, Radha Ravi, Karunakaran, and Kumki Ashwin form the supporting cast.
Produced by Sathyajyothi Films, this yet-to-be-titled film will have music director D Imman composing the music, cinematographer V Mahendran, and editor Das.