Malayalam actor Dhruvan, known for his performance in Queen, is no longer part of Mammootty’s upcoming historical film Maamaankam. The actor had already completed shoot for the movie.
Dhruvan was the lead actor in his debut movie Queen, which released in January 2018. According to a report in Daily Hunt, the actor, following the success of Queen, had turned down many acting offers that came his way to concentrate on his character in Maamaankam which also required physical transformation.
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Posted by Druvan on Tuesday, October 16, 2018
The actor had to leave the film’s sets after shooting for 25 days. Following this, there were reports that the director of the movie, Sajeev Pillai was also fired. But Pillai cleared the air on this and said,
“Being my first movie, the support I received has been comparatively less. In an industry like ours, there is bound to be difficulties whenever a newcomer tries to break into the ranks. These are just about the hardships that I’ve had to face. And though there have been minor differences between the producer of the movie, I still am the director of Maamaankam. This is a project I’ve nurtured for the past 18 years.”
He refused to talk about the exact reason behind Dhruvan’s ouster, but he praised the actor’s commitment. “I don’t deem it right to talk on the topic. Instead what I can tell you is that he has been performing exceedingly well in the character he was offered. He had to let go of many opportunities to join this project. He used to train from 4 in the morning till 12 in the night in order to prepare for the role. He was immensely focused.”
“I will tell you this much that whatever has happened with him was neither right nor fair. I can’t comment on the topic any further,” added Pillai.
Set in the 17th century, Maamaankam is about a warrior clan called that plots to overthrow the Zamorin rulers. The movie also stars Neeraj Madhav and Prachi Tehlan.
Image Courtesy: WwGossip