Kerala legislator PC George on Wednesday said he had done or said nothing wrong regarding the abduction case of a popular Malayalam actress and accused Kerala Women’s Commission (KWC) chief of playing politics in the matter.
The actress had accused the MLA of defaming her and written a letter to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan against him.
“I have heard that the KWC is against me. I have done no wrong, nor made any statement to hurt anyone. I heard from the media that the commission is going to issue me a notice. I don’t think the KWC will do that,” said the Independent legislator from Poonjar Assembly seat in Kottayam district.
George said he was a seven-time MLA while the KWC Chairperson (M.C. Josephine) was a full-time politician who had lost elections in the past.
“She is playing nothing but politics and I think she has taken on the wrong person,” he said.
George said: “Dileep has been targeted and the case against him is fabricated. I said he is also a victim. Even the actress has not named Dileep. All I said was that just as the actress is a victim, Dileep is also a victim.”
The actress was abducted on February 17 while travelling from Thrissur to Kochi but dumped at Malayalam director turned actor Lal’s house after three hours.
While all accused was arrested a week after the crime, police arrested superstar Dileep on July 10 on charge of conspiracy in the case. George came out in his support and gave him a clean chit.