Chennai City Police has retrieved the decomposed body of Tamil film director C Sivakumar from his apartment in Saligramam on Thursday. The news of the director’s demise, and the way his body was discovered has left the industry shaken.
Sivakumar, who assisted director K Bhagyaraj before branching out on his own, made two films – Arjun-starrer Ayudha Poojai in 1995 and Rettai Jadai Vayasu with Ajith in 1997. The latter, also starring Manthra, Goundamani, Senthil and Ponvannan, and with music by Deva, did well at the box office.
According to a report in The Times Of India, the director was a bachelor. The incident came to light when Sivakumar did not step out for three days, and neighbours sensed a foul smell coming from his house.
When police tried opening the door, they found it was locked from inside. They broke open the door to find the television and fan were turned on. The director’s body was sent for autopsy.
The police suspects that the director would have had a cardiac arrest two days ago while watching television, as he was found seated on a chair with the remote control is his hand. However, further investigations are on to rule out foul play.