Director and actor Karu Pazhaniappan has started shooting for his next film Kallan, in which he plays the male lead. The film will be directed by debutante Chandra, a former associate of director Ameer. Delhi-based Chennai actress Nikitha has been roped in as the female lead in Kallan. Actors Namo Narayanan and Soundararajan play supporting roles.
Shooting has already begun in Cochin, Kerala. The Kallan team will shoot the entire film in a single schedule of 45 days. After shooting in Kerala, the team moves to Theni and Bodimettu. Producers V Madhiazhagan and R Ramya will be bankrolling the project under their banner Etcetera Entertainment.
Karu Pazhaniappan has directed a number of feel good films, including Parthiban Kanavu, Sivappathigaram, and Pirivom Santhippom.