The first look of director Rajesh Kannan’s Mayan, a film on lord Shiva, was unveiled on Thursday in Chennai. The film is a Tamil-English bilingual, jointly produced by J Rajesh Kannan of Fox and Crow Studios, and Dato Ganesh Mohana Sundaram of GKVM Elephant Pictures.
Starring newcomers Vinod and Priyanka Arul Murugan in the lead, the film is said to be based on the Tamil god Shivan, who is also called Mayan. The director said at an event, “The title Mayan is bound to make many people think of the Mayan culture. However, that culture is over three thousand years old. If you look at the history of Tamil civilization, it is over 25,000 years old. More importantly, the term Shivan goes back even before that. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, the Tamil Shivan is Mayan.”
“People keep saving money everywhere now. Under such circumstances, what if one of the oldest yogis, Lord Shiva, thinks for a moment as to why he created humans? What will the outcome be? That is Mayan. The film is a fantasy, also based on reality,” he added.
About making the film a Tamil-English bilingual, the director said, “Be it China, Mexico or Los Angeles, this film will appeal to audiences all over the world. The salient features of Tamil culture and civilization must be taken to the outside world. So, we decided to make it in Tamil and English simultaneously.”
Actor Vinod, who is making his Tamil debut with this film, said, “I know Rajesh sir. He is also a Shiva devotee like me. This is my first film in Kollywood. This opportunity has come to me because of Shiva. This teaser looks great because of the amazing work from the entire team.”
Actress Priyanka plays the female lead in the film. She said, “I am excited after watching the teaser. I am a Tamil girl. I am proud that I am a part of a Hollywood film. Very rare to see an English Indian film. Thankful to director Rajesh Kannan for giving me this opportunity.”