Actress Divya Spandana, aka Ramya, has been appointed the social media head for the Indian National Congress. Deccan Herald reports that she replaces Deepender Hooda, who has helped bring the Congress online and active in social media. However, the BJP’s strong presence on social media networks like Twitter and Facebook and their extended use of tools like Whatsapp for propaganda has left the Congress far behind.
The news comes after SM Krishna, former Karnataka Chief Minister and one of the Congress leaders in the state left the party to join the BJP. It was rumoured that Divya too would quit the party. However, Congress sources say that there has been an overhaul within the party, and since Divya has a strong social media presence already, she was given the mandate.
Earlier, Divya had responded to a BJP leader’s comments that Pakistan was hell, on her own Twitter account. She faced a lot of flak for this, with the BJP’s youth wing ABVP calling her anti-national. A lawyer had then filed a case against the actress, which a Magistrate’s court in Karnataka subsequently quashed.
On Twitter, Divya retweets and amplifies messages from senior Congress leaders, and party PM candidate Rahul Gandhi.