Dulquer Salmaan, the star of Bejoy Nambiar’s recent Tamil/Malayalam bilingual Solo, has requested his fans to not “kill the film”. Taking to Facebook, the actor poured his heart out about filming certain scenes that were misconstrued as “awkward” and “humourous”, standing by his director with respect to an ending that neither the filmmaker nor the actor knew about, and the fact that his response to doing this film might be clichéd but it’s still something “different” for him.
“People tell me Solo isn’t like Charlie and Bangalore Days. They asked me why I did it. They say I could have avoided it. They say this kind of experimenting is unnecessary. But you know what, that’s why I love it. I want to constantly do “different” films. Yup the over used cliche of the film world. “Different”. So why do a certain section of our lovely audience fear, dislike and mock different ? 7 billion humans walk the earth. There is bound to be that many stories.”
The actor further wrote that he likes to seek stories wherever he goes, therefore it becomes a habit for him even while choosing film scripts. He elaborated on filming the character, Rudra, and how he had interpreted it.
“So when several people mock and hoot and write badly about my favourite track, The Rudra story in Solo, it breaks my heart. It excited all of us actors. Be it Nasser Sir, Hasini Ma’am, Neha or Me, we were kicked that it was so unique and bold. It’s based on true incidents and there have been several news stories like it. We wanted to make a film about it. We thought the best way to tell it was through humour. So when people say it became unintentionally funny, I don’t get it. The sequence where the amazing Suhasini Ma’am in a stellar performance of apprehension/embarrassment/awkwardness breaks the news to my character Rudra, has been for me one of the greatest scenes in my cinematic career. It was a single shot and I had to interpret it how I deemed best. For an actor like me that was new and unprecedented. With no reference point.”
Lastly, Dulquer appealed to people to head to the film with an open mind.
“So I beg you. Don’t kill Solo. Give it a go with an open mind and you will have a blast with the film.
P.S. I stand by Bejoy Nambiar. And his version. Always. Cutting, shuffling or whatever by persons unrelated to the making of the film will also aid in killing it.”
Solo released to a lukewarm response from critics and movie-goers, with most feeling underwhelmed by the unnecessarily complicated plots and characterisation.
Read the full post here: