Charu Khurrana and Neha Kamra have alleged that the Cine Costume Make Up Artists and Hair Dressers Association (CCMAA), the association of make-up artists in Bollywood, continues to discriminate against them because of their gender. They further said that they are preparing to go to court again to fight this. Mid-Day reports that Charu, and nine other women make-up artists have filed a complaint against the Association at the Amboli police station in Mumbai.
Neha Kamra and Charu Khurrana said that the Association was refusing to renew their membership cards unless they paid a fee of Rs. 85,000. The regular renewal fees for men are Rs. 5001. The two say that the Association has phrased the additional fee demand as a donation to the union, but male members have never been asked to pay a similar amount in any form.
In 2014, the Supreme Court of India had held that gender based discrimination in the union was illegal. The court made the CCMAA lift a 59-year old ban on women becoming members. “How can this discrimination continue? We will not permit this. It cannot be allowed under our constitution. Why should only a male artist be allowed to put make-up?” judges Dipak Misra and UU Lalit had said while passing the verdict.
Until then, women could be hair dressers, but not make-up artists. Not only was the situation discriminatory, it also caused discomfort to women actors and stars who were uncomfortable about being made-up by men.
Charu Khurrana, one of the original petitioners of 2014, is gearing up for the fight once more. “I am consulting my lawyer and plan to go to the Supreme Court thereafter,” she said.
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