The first look of Akshay Kumar’s Airlift has been revealed on Twitter by Akkistan. The film has The Lunch Box star, Nimrat Kaur playing Akshay’s wife.
The first look of the film shows Akshay and Nimrat posing in the background of what looks like an opulent house. A TOI report says that the duo play a couple from an affluent Middle-Eastern household in the film.
According to NDTV, the movie – produced by Nikil Advani – is about the evacuation of Indians trapped in Kuwait during the Gulf War in 1990. It is scheduled to release in 2016.
And the shoot of #Airlift starts with Akshay sir and Nimrat Kaur in Gujarat.
— Akshay Kumar 24×7 (@Akkistaan) February 23, 2015