Actress Sayyeshaa, who made her debut in director Vijay’s Vanamagan with Jayam Ravi, will now be cast opposite Karthi in his next film, to be directed by Pandiraj. Earlier, reports had said that Priya Bhavani Shankar of Meyaadha Maan will play the female lead in this film, a source told Silverscreen that Sayyeshaa has been confirmed for the film.
According to the source, “Though other leading heroines were approached, Sayyeshaa has now been finalised for the film. Sayyeshaa, who is now in Paris, will finalise everything once she is back.”
The source added, “Pandiraj had discussed a script long back with Karthi and as Karthi was busy with Theeran Adhigaram Ondru, he couldn’t take it up immediately. As of now Theeran Adhigaram Ondru is completely wrapped up, he will now work on Pandiraj’s film. The film is in the initial stage of pre-production and too early to reveal any other detail about the film.”
Sayyeshaa is currently in Paris shooting for Junga with Vijay Sethupathi.
A few pictures from Austria! Back in Paris now! ❤️#traveldiaries #Junga
— Sayyeshaa (@sayyeshaa) October 30, 2017
Shooting with the super talented and humorous Raju Sundaram master in #Paris …song shoots are my absolute favourite ?#eiffeltower #Junga
— Sayyeshaa (@sayyeshaa) October 31, 2017
Another day at shoot on a really cold day! ?#Junga#Paris
— Sayyeshaa (@sayyeshaa) November 1, 2017
On the move! ?
Always styled by the best.. my mommy! @ShhaheenAhmeed ❤️#Paris #NightShift #Junga— Sayyeshaa (@sayyeshaa) November 2, 2017
With the captain of the ship! The stylised and very caring director…Gokul sir! #Paris#shootdiaries #Junga
— Sayyeshaa (@sayyeshaa) November 2, 2017