Director Gauri Shinde’s next, which features an unlikely pair – Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt, will begin in January next year. The film, currently, is in pre-production stage, said Karan Johar whose Dharma productions is co-producing the film with SRK’s Red Chillies Entertainment and Hope Productions.
@gauris film with @iamsrk and @aliaa08 commences principal photography middle of jan!! Pre production is on full steam now! Exciting!!!!
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) December 8, 2015
Shinde shot to fame with her debut movie English Vinglish, which marked yesteryear star Sridevi’s return to the silverscreen. Reportedly, the director has stated that the untitled Shah Rukh-Alia film will not be a ‘typical romantic drama’.