Actor Kishore, best known for his performance in Vijay Milton’s Goli Soda (2014) and Pandiraj’s Pasanga (2009), is ‘nervous’ about his upcoming film, Uruthikol. He plays the male lead, his first ever stint as a full-fledged hero in a film.
“I had a doubt whether I could carry an entire film on my shoulders. That doubt is still there… but the director and crew members supported me. In fact, they were pretty confident that I would do well. But the challenge was there in every department for me. When it is a multi- starrer, you just do your part and relax. But here, I had to give my best in all areas,” he told The Times of India.
The young actor, who incidentally won a National Award as a child artiste for his performance in Pasanga (2009), plays a school boy who turns a wastrel. Set in the village, the film also has romance and humour.
“It has a bit of action, romance and sentiment. The director has also included some real-life incidents that happened when he was growing up,” he said, adding that the stunts in the movie will be fairly realistic.
Kishore also admitted that romance isn’t his thing. “I can’t enact romance. You should ask the director how difficult it was for him to get the best out of me,” he said.
Uruthikol is directed by R Ayyanar, and also stars Megna, Akilash, Kaali Venkat, and others. The film, produced by Jai Sneham Films, had its audio launch earlier this week.