Singer and reality show judge Grace Karunas said recently that trolls about her looks were just for fun, no one wanted to intentionally hurt her. She was responding to the trolls she faced by contestants on the sets of her show Kalakka Povadhu Yaaru Champions.
In an interview with Vikatan, Grace said, “I basically like comedies. I once went as a special guest to Vijay TV’s Sirippu da show and I really enjoyed it. But I was hesitant when the same channel called me as a jury to Kalakka Povadhu Yaaru Champions. Later I joined the show and it became a hit. This has given me a better reach than my films.”
But on the show, she was made fun of for being short. She responded to a question about this, and said, “There is a huge expectation from the audience of this show. Every contestant tries hard to give new content, they work hard on their scripts. So when they make fun of me, saying I’m fat, or compare me to a lorry or bus, it’s just for the sake of comedy. The intention is not to hurt.”
She also said, “They even come to me personally and apologize for it. Moreover we should get angry only when someone hurts us intentionally. This is for fun, I don’t take it seriously. But a thing to remember is we should not tease another person’s physical appearance intentionally.”
About her singing career, she said she was waiting to make a come-back. “Since the number of singers are increasing, and new singers are getting into the field, I get very less opportunities these days. Moreover people’s choice and taste have changed over time, they prefer something new. As a playback singer, even I wait for a perfect break (through).”
“As of now I’m planning to release a music album soon. I will also be singing at concerts and other stage shows,” she added.