Director H Vinoth known for films like Sathuranga Vettai and Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru will team up with actor Ajith Kumar once again for ‘Thala 60′. The film’s launch is reportedly all set to happen tomorrow (18th October) at Boney Kapoor’s Mylapore residence with a special ceremony. The actor and director had earlier worked together on Nerkonda Paarvai which was the official remake of Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury’s Pink (Hindi) starring Amitabh Bachchan, Taapsee Pannu, Kirti Kulhari and Andrea Tariang in lead roles. Thala 60 will once again see producer Boney Kapoor bankrolling the film after Nerkonda Paarvai.
Speculations are rife that the movie has been titled Valimai and will see Ajith Kumar donning the cop uniform once again after Gautham Menon’s Yennai Arindhaal. It is also reported that the actor will have a changeover and will not sport the salt and pepper hairdo.
Recently, the actor had participated in the Delhi Rifle Shooting competition and secured the twelfth rank in the standard pistol category, ninth in the sports pistol category and eighth in the free pistol category.
Today’s DailyThanthi NewsPaper Article About THALA #AJITH..! 😎
‘துப்பாக்கி சுடும் போட்டியில் #அஜித் சாதனை’ 🔫#AJITHShootingChampion
— AJITHKUMAR FANS CLUB (@ThalaAjith_FC) October 17, 2019
Here is THALA #AJITH‘s Delhi Rifle Shooting Competitions Results List..! 🏆
A D V E R T I S E M E N T🔫 Standard Pistol – Rank 12Th
🔫 Sports Pistol – Rank 9Th
🔫 Free Pistol – Rank 8ThProud Moment For THALA Fans..! 💪#ThalaAJITHShootingChampion
— AJITHKUMAR FANS CLUB (@ThalaAjith_FC) October 16, 2019
Recently, a picture of the star with his family did the rounds on social media.
Latest Pic of THALA #AJITH Family..🤩
So Beautiful..!❣️#ThalaAJITHFamily
— AJITHKUMAR FANS CLUB (@ThalaAjith_FC) October 9, 2019