Director-actor Bharathiraja, today, issued a clarification on rumours surrounding his health. In a video statement that began with his signature ‘en iniya Tamizh makkale’, he said that he’d seen all the sensational news pieces on his quarantine in his Theni home. “My sister is unwell and after following all due procedures I travelled to Theni to see her,” he said.
The director also said that he was tested thrice for Covid19, once in Chennai, once on the way in Andipatti, and once after reaching Theni. He voluntarily disclosed his arrival to the local administration and they cleared his entry after being satisfied about the negative reports.
“My assistants and I have decided to self-isolate as a precautionary measure in the larger public interest. I am perfectly fine and am not unwell. We are, in fact, discussing work… ideas for my next project. We are so happy, we are so healthy,” he said.
Official Statement from @offBharathiraja from His “Theni” Residence #COVID19India #TamilNadu #News23 #NM #Media
— Nikil Murukan (@onlynikil) May 6, 2020