Actor Sanjay Dutt, who had been serving a five-year sentence in the Yerawada jail in Pune, was released today. The release comes 103 days ahead of his full term, and was awarded on account of good behaviour and welfare activities like running a radio programme inside the prison. The 56-year-old actor’s sentence began in May 2013, after he was convicted for illegal possession of arms under the Arms Act.
Reportedly, the actor’s friend and director-producer Rajkumar Hirani is directing a biopic of Dutt, with Ranbir Kapoor is the lead. Dutt’s exit from the prison was canned by Hirani, who had been waiting outside the gates to welcome the actor. According to a TOI report, this will be the first shot of the biopic. Later, Sanjay took a chartered flight to Mumbai, where his family lives.