Telugu actor Tanish Alladi is the latest to be questioned in the recently-busted drug racket in Hyderabad. The actor met the Special Investigation Team (SIT) this morning at 10. According to a PTI News report, four officials from the team grilled the actor about his alleged link to the racket, and if he used drugs.
Alladi happens to be the 10th person from the film industry to be questioned by the police. Actor Ravi Teja was questioned last Friday for 10 hours, and his driver, Srinivas Rao, faced the SIT on Saturday.
Certain film personalities were served notices because their contact numbers were found in the call data of Calvin Mascraenhas, the kingpin of the racket. Some of those sent notices are director Puri Jagannadh, actors Navdeep, Charmme Kaur, Mumaith Khan, Tarun, Subbaraju and Nandu, cinematographer Shyam K Naidu and art director Chinna.
The drug racket, exposed on July 2, led to the discovery that about 1,000 students from leading private schools and colleges in the city were using high-end drugs such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and MDMA (methylenedioxy-methamphetamine).
The racketeers placed orders through Darknet, and supplied drugs to people, including IT employees and students from educational institutions.
Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has assured the film industry that those using drugs would be treated as victims and not as accused, and that their help would be sought to identify the peddlers.
Reportedly, Excise officials have so far arrested 20 people, including US citizen Dundu Anish – a former aerospace engineer who has worked with NASA, Dutch national Mike Kamminga and seven B. Tech degree holders working in Hyderabad-based MNCs.
Feature Image: Topsy One