Mohan Babu has signed on to play the male lead in the Telugu remake of Pa Paandi. Reports indicate that actor Rajinikanth, a close friend of Mohan Babu and father-in-law of the film’s director Dhanush, had arranged for a special screening for the actor recently. Impressed with the film’s storyline, Mohan Babu is said to have expressed interest in being part of the remake.
Director Subramaniam Siva, a close associate of Dhanush, will helm the remake. In an interview with DC, he said, “Mohan Babu sir really liked the film, and we are currently in the process of finalising the rest of the crew. He is currently recuperating from a surgery, and we will go on floors in the next couple of months.”
The remake will be co-produced by Dhanush alongside Mohan Babu. If this project does materialise, it will mark Wunderbar Films’ Telugu debut.
Picture Courtesy: Nation Portal