The trailer of Irumbuthirai is out, featuring Vishal Krishna as an angry man dressed in military clothes and engaging in public violence in almost every frame. He takes his job seriously and wants to help all those in need, especially the uneducated and downtrodden who are always taken for granted.
Apart from Vishal, the film stars Arjun Sarja as the antagonist and Samantha Akkineni as the female lead. Directed by PS Mithran, this science fiction thriller is produced by Vishal Film Factory and will hit the screens on May 11, 2018, in Tamil and Telugu. The film’s release was delayed owing to the cinema strike in the Tamil film industry.
Meanwhile, Vishal has said that he will screen the first half of the film two days before it’s theatrical release to get the word-of-mouth going.
Yes we will be holding the screening of #IrumbuThirai 1st half on #may9th to my lovely friends from the media before the grand holds barred.dis is similar2 showin 2 fmly #DigitalIndia.#aadharcard.wont hold bk to show to my fellow
— Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) May 4, 2018
Watch the trailer here: