At a press meet convened yesterday for the film Jarugandi, actor-turned-producer Nithin Sathyaa spoke about the reason for the delay in the release of the film. An action-comedy, the movie stars actors Jai and Reba Monica in lead roles, and is set to hit theatres on October 26. “There were many big-budget films releasing over the past few weeks, and we couldn’t get ours to hit the screens in time,” Nithin said, “We are finally doing it this Friday amidst a lot of criticism; many were doubtful as to whether I would be able to complete the film. But Badri and (director) Pichumani stood by me and so did Jai.”
The title, director Pichumani said, was inspired by the characters and events in the film. “Every character was chasing his or her own worries; we wanted a catchy title that would be synonymous with running, or being constantly on the move. ‘Jarugandi’ is a phrase known almost to everyone. Moreover, director Venkat Prabhu too, felt it would be apt for the project.”
Nithin also added that his work as a producer would run in parallel to his acting responsibilities. “I would like to produce more films,” he said.
Jointly produced by Nithin Sathya and Badri Kasthuri, Jarugandi also features Daniel Annie Pope, Robo Shankar, Bose Venkat and Amit Tiwari in pivotal roles. Music for the film is composed by Bobo Shashi of Kulir 100 degree fame. Talking about the film Sashi said, “Jai told me to listen to the script and then compose for it if I liked. When Pichu sir narrated the script, I wanted do the film. There’s a song sung by Jai himself, one by Yuvan sir and another by Deva sir.”
Jarugandi revolves around a young man who wants to launch his own travel agency and the challenges he faces when he applies for a loan.