Actor Jayam Ravi’s 25th film directed by Lakshman (Bogan) has been titled Bhoomi. The movie is being bankrolled by Sujataa Vijaykumar’s Home Movie Makers which had previously commissioned director Karthik Thangavel’s Adanga Maru that also had Jayam Ravi in the lead. The actor will be seen associating with director Lakshman for the third time after their successful outings in Romeo Juliet and Bogan.
Home Movie Makers took to Twitter to reveal the title.
The most awaited title of #JR25 is #Bhoomi #பூமி @actor_jayamravi Chooses an Unique title once again 👌🏻
Dir @dirlakshman @AgerwalNidhhi
Prod @theHMMofficial @sujataa_hmm @immancomposer @dudlyraj @Stunsiva8 @BrindhaGopal1 @prathool @onlynikil— Home Movie Makers (@theHMMofficial) October 11, 2019
Nidhhi Agerwal will be seen with Jayam Ravi in the film, marking her debut in the Kollywood industry. D Imman will be composing music, Chennai Express fame Dudley will be cranking the camera, John will take care of the edit and G Durairaj will handle art. Stunt Siva will be choreographing action sequences with Brinda master choreographing dance. The rest of the cast is yet to be announced.
A source privy to the film told Silverscreen that the movie deals with agriculture and its collapsing stature owing to the corporate world. Reportedly, the film was originally titled Sarvaadhikaari but was later rechristened Bhoomi.
Here is the title poster of Bhoomi.
Meanwhile, Jayam Ravi who was last seen in Pradeep Ranganathan’s Comali, will next feature in director Ahmed’s film alongside Taapsee Pannu. He is also reportedly a part of director Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan which will go on floors in December. Nidhhi Agerwal was last seen in Puri Jagannadh’s iSmart Shankar.