Actor Jayam Ravi will be collaborating with his Miruthan director Shakti Sounder Rajan again. Interestingly, the new film will be set in space and will be produced by Hitesh Jhabak under the Nemichand Jhabak banner. D Imman will be composing music for this film, too, having worked with Ravi in Miruthan and their upcoming film Bogan.
The makers plan to reveal the title of the film on September 2.
Title of my next with @ShaktiRajan will be revealed on Sept 2nd @ 6PM #FirstIndianSpaceFilm! @JabaksMovies @immancomposer @onlynikil
— Jayam Ravi (@actor_jayamravi) August 30, 2016
As expected, within minutes of the announcement, the official account of Jayam Ravi and #FirstIndianSpaceFilm began to trend on Twitter.
Jayam Ravi and Shakti Rajan last worked in this Tamil cinema’s first ever zombie film – Miruthan, which released earlier this year. While the idea behind the film was appreciated by many for its novelty, the movie’s plot – similar to The Passengers novel series by Justin Cronin, received mixed reviews. Undeterred by public response, the makers are said to be developing a sequel to the zombie film and expect to release it sometime in 2018.
Jayam Ravi’s announcement of the space film comes soon after he expressed his interest in making a sequel of his 2015 thriller Thani Oruvan. “Mohan and I are likely to do a sequel to Thani Oruvan (2015), but not immediately. Both of us are occupied with our own film-related commitments. We thought my 25th film should be something special, and we stumbled upon this idea,” as quoted by the New Indian Express.
Incidentally, Bollywood, too, has plans of making a film set in space. In June this year, reports surfaced that Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput will play an astronaut in a space film, titled Chandamama Door Ke. The film will be directed Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan, who won the National Award in 2010 for Lahore. According to a Times of India report, Chandamama Door Ke will be about a team of astronauts who go on a mission that brings the country together.