Famous singer Jyoti Nooran has been roped in to sing a peppy folk number for Paayum Puli, revealed a source close to the production team. The source also added that actress Nikitha of Kodana Kodi fame has been signed on to groove for this number, Naa Soodana Mogini, choreographed by dance master Shobi.
Deccan Chronicle reported that actress Nikitha and actor Vishal shot for five days at Binny Mills. A huge market set has been erected by art director Rajeevan for this song. Sources say that this song is not an item number, but a folk number which will portray the local market area.
Actor Vishal will essay the role of a cop for the second time in this film after Sathyam. Actress Kajal Aggarwal has been paired opposite Vishal in Paayum Puli.
Image Courtesy: Bollywoodlife