Actor-politician Kamal Haasan, who has begun another phase of his political journey visiting the Kongu region in Tamil Nadu, has addressed reports of him being funded by Christian missionaries. After addressing the public at Perundurai yesterday, the founder of Makkal Needhi Maiam, said on Sunday, “They say I’m funded by Christian missionaries and to that all I can do is laugh it off as it’s false.”
They say I’m funded by Christian missionaries & to that all I can do is laugh it off as it’s false. It’s not about actors becoming politicians it’s about concerned citizens getting involved & the way women are treated here currently is shameful: #KamalHaasan in Erode, Tamil Nadu
— ANI (@ANI) March 11, 2018
Haasan also visited Periyar’s memorial house in Erode, a few days after his statue was vandalised in Vellore district. Condemning the incident, Haasan had said, “We Tamilians are enough to protect him (Periyar). His stature and height is beyond the reach of such talks of vandalism.”
#MakkalNeethiMaiam ‘s President @ikamalhaasan visited #ThanthaiPeriyar Memorial house in Erode earlier today..
— Ramesh Bala (@rameshlaus) March 11, 2018
Read: Is Kamal Haasan’s Political Party Website Registered In Cayman Islands, A Tax Haven?