Kamal Haasan will write, direct and play the villain in a Hindi movie titled Amar Hai. Actor Saif Ali Khan has been approached to play the lead in the movie. To be produced by Virendra K. Arora and Arjun N. Kapoor, the movie will have two female leads. The movie will also be made in Tamil as Thalaivan Irukkiran.
A publicist for the producers quoted them as saying, “Amar Hai is special to us in many ways. One, it is that iconic project which is sure to mark the much-awaited Kamal Haasan working for Hindi cinema. Two, the film will see Kamal Hasaan wearing multiple hats, that of an actor and a director on a story penned by him. And three, from the outset of scripting this film since the past 6 years, Kamal Haasan has had Saif Ali Khan in mind for the lead role and the actor has been clued in about his involvement on the mega project.”
Amar Hai will be shot at various locations in India and abroad, including Delhi, Mumbi, Dubai, Jordan and London.
Kamal Haasan has had a busy year. His Uttama Villian – a May release, did middling business at the box office. He recently released the first look of his next project in Tamil titled Thoongaavanam, starring Trisha, Prakash Raj, Madhu Shalini and himself, and directed by his associate Rajesh. Meanwhile, he is awaiting the release of two nearly completed projects, Papanasam and Vishwaroopam -II.
Silverscreen is continuing to try and get more details on the project from Kamal Haasan’s publicists.